Redis Enterprise on Openshift to Manage Distributed Chase in Microservices

Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. In this blog we describe how to use Radis chase to manage distributed chase between microservices. Install Redis Enterprise Clusters Using Operators on Openshift Redis Enterprise Software is distributed, in-memory NoSQL database server. Redis Enterprise Software extends open source Redis and delivers stable high performance, zero-downtime linear scaling and high availability cluster. Prerequisites A minimum of 3 nodes which support the following requirements: RAM - At least 3GB with 4GB recommended Persistent Storage - At least 10GB of free space with 20GB recommended. A kubernetes version of 1.9 or higher oc adm policy add-scc-to-group redis-enterprise-scc system:serviceaccounts:my-project Install the Redis Operator Log in to your Openshift account as a cluster admin or super admin (so you have access to all the default projects in openshift). Create a new project, fil...