
Showing posts from August, 2021

Schedule Message Delivery using AWS ActiveMQ and MassTransit

In this article, we are going to talk about a simple publisher/subscriber scenario for schedule message delivery using Amazon MQ ,which is an implementation of Apache ActiveMQ  message broker service  .To impalement publisher and subscriber we use MassTransit framework. Prerequisites & Setup Basic knowledge on AWS Cloud service and  basic understanding ASP.NET Core WebAPI and .NET Core . Basic understanding of the e vent-driven communication between microservices read my pervious article ( Link )   and MassTransit Framework ( Link ) Source Code You can download the source code from my Git Repo . Use Case Assume that we have an application, Using that application user can create an email notification with schedule delivery time then publisher will publish email  notification to the queue, then consumer consume that message given delivery time and trigger the email to the end-user. If the consumer consumes the message if there is a failure or exception occur system should be able to